Cocktail, Spirit

Lost and Long Forgotten

creme-yvetteA while ago, I wrote about a favourite cocktail of mine, the Aviation. I mentioned that the addition of Violet liqueur renders the drink a little floral and sweet for me.

A small amount of reading of the writings of the wizard Wondrich led me to discover that the original Aviation was not actually made with Creme de Violette, it was made with a defunct substance by the name of Creme Yvette. It is said to contain vanilla and other extracts in addition to the violet petals.

Now, at least in some part due to the research and efforts of David Wondrich, the makers of St. Germain liqueur that some of you may have tried have decided to revive this once lost member of the alcoholic menagerie and bring it back to market. I must say, I can’t wait to try it.

The Original Aviation. 

45mls Gin (Beefeater works nicely), 10 mls lemon juice, 5mls maraschino liqueur, 5 mls Creme Yvette. stirred over ice and strained into a martini glass.

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