
Marvelous Mocktails: The Blood Orange Nojito

About ten weeks ago, I found out I am going to be a dad. I couldn’t be happier at the prospect of having a wee one to teach, nuture and love, but it has bought to light a bit of a hole in my entertaining repertoire. What do you serve to someone who is not drinking? As I’ve been making quite a few of these creations, you can probably expect them to become a regular feature until mid-March, next year.

The first bit of theory, I think I’ve nailed down, is that even though my fiancée is going for a non alcoholic option, the drink should still look good. Second, as her tastes change, what was a hit yesterday is not necessarily going to be a hit tomorrow, so you might need to change the measure of sugar to taste. The recipe I’ve put down here balances the sweet and sour, but you could quite easily forgo sugar and use mint as a garnish.

The Blood Orange Nojito

Cut two thin wheels of blood orange and insert one on each side of the glass, then fill the vessel with ice. Pour 20 mls of mint syrup over the ice and top with soda, finish the drink with 20 mls of blood orange juice.

Mint syrup can be made a number of ways, but I find adding three peppermint tea bags to 250 ml of water and leaving them to steep for ten minutes and the dissolving 500 grams of sugar is the best way to get a minty and silky result.
